Erin is a mother of two beautiful children, a business owner, a speaker, a leader, a prophetic artist, an intercessor and a deliverance & inner-healing minister, with a gift for revelational teaching. She's passionate about teaching others about the fullness of their inheritance through Jesus Christ speaking their true identity and empowering them to walk in the purpose that God has designed for them.
Erin flows profoundly in the gift of prophetic revelation led by the Holy Spirit. She is a powerful intercessor with a heart's desire to see Jesus heal the broken hearted and set the captives free. She has been broken, lost, bound, deceived, and through a powerful encounter with Jesus, He has made her new, chosen, whole, redeemed, healed, set free and on fire. Now all that remains of the sin and pain of her past is the love and compassion of Jesus for God's children. She has learned that the love of Jesus & the presence of God through the Holy Spirit is what we need above all else.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you. Matthew 6:33